© Mandai Wildlife Group
Amplifying funding & knowledge
ASAP Species are some of the most threatened on the whole planet. Many are little-known, relatively obscure species that do not benefit from lots of conservation attention. Yet they play an important role, and their loss would disrupt the delicate balance of the ecosystem.
Funding for less well-known yet threatened species can be difficult to secure. That is why we work to increase financial resources for the conservation of biodiversity in Southeast Asia and offer grants to directly support the conservation of ASAP Species.
But where funding should go is not always clear. That is why we also work to amplify knowledge and make sure that funding and conservation priorities are set based on the best available information. We join forces with other organisations to develop roadmaps that guide conservation actions that set the course for healthy and thriving environments.
We support projects on small, understudied species
“It is challenging to get funding for species conservation work, especially small, non-charismatic species such as frogs and reptiles.
ASAP grants are important because we can gain support financially and through networking and mentoring, and they are happy to support projects that focus on small, understudied species.”
Nathan Rusli, Indonesia Herpetofauna Foundation