Rainforest Trust Call for Proposals to Protect Key Biodiversity Areas - Deadline for Draft proposals: 1 October 2019

Rainforest Trust works with local conservation organizations across the tropics to create new protectedareas.As a member of the KBA Partnership, Rainforest Trust has committed to identifying, mapping, monitoringand protecting the most important places for life on Earth. As an organization, we are especially focused onprojects in KBAs with globally significant populations of Critically Endangered (CR) and Endangered (EN)species.To this end, Rainforest Trust wishes to explore partnerships with local conservation organizationsinterested in establishing new protected areas in places that have either been formally recognized as KBAsor would trigger a new KBA on further evaluation. For more information on KBAs, visithere.Proposal Requirements:● The project must be based within the tropics or subtropics.● The site must qualify as a KBA under criterion A1(a) (site regularly holds a globally significantproportion of the population of a Critically Endangered or Endangered species). - Click here for more info● The site must currently be unprotected and not designated as a protected area.● The project must be implemented by an organization nationally registered and legally authorized towork in the project country.In addition, Rainforest Trust supports feasibility studies to assess the potential to create protected areas.Rapid Feasibility Awards:● Assess whether a site qualifies as an A1(a) KBA● Evaluate land tenure of unprotected A1(a) KBAs● Evaluate the presence and abundance of CR and EN species within unprotected A1(a) KBAs● Gauge opportunities to designate governmental protected areas or to purchase privately-owned land● Assess community and government interest in protected area creation● Identify next steps in proceeding with protected area creationAdditional information regarding the SAVES Challenge, project requirements and an eligibilityquestionnaire can be found here.Rainforest Trust's final deadline is on 1 November 2019 - but note that draft applications should be submitted on or before 1 October 2019. Hence, we encourage you to begin the online process as soon as possible.Those interested in exploring opportunities to leverage this support should contact SAVES@RainforestTrust.org.Click here for more detailed information. 


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