ASAP launches 2018-2023 strategy for species on the brink

Read our 2018-2023 strategy

Today, the Asian Species Action Partnership (ASAP) launches its 2018-2023 strategy, outlining how it will work towards its vision:

Species extinctions in Southeast Asia have been averted and wild populations are secure and thriving across their natural range

Averting species extinctions in Southeast Asia is now widely recognised as an important component to maintaining healthy ecosystems and human well-being. The region is incredibly important on a global scale for biodiversity, but it sadly has very high numbers of threatened species. As of November 2018, there were 195 land and freshwater vertebrates listed as Critically Endangered on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.ASAP is an alliance of conservation organisations with the collective aim of focusing urgent conservation attention on the most neglected at-risk species in Southeast Asia. As a Partnership, we have defined four key areas where we can have the most impact on the long-term outcome of threatened species. This forms the backbone of this newly launched strategy, and are to:

  1. Catalyse conservation
  2. Increase funding
  3. Strengthen capacity
  4. Promote species

In the words of Simon Stuart, Chair of the ASAP Governing Council,

"There are a plethora of reasons for doing this, but the bottom line is that ASAP asserts the intrinsic right of each species to exist".

Read our strategy here:If you have any questions or thoughts on the strategy, please get in touch. Featured image: Torsten Blanck


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