Notice – ASAP Species Conservation Grants deadline extended until August 30th

Notice – ASAP Species Conservation Grants deadline extended until August 30th

Following requests from our Partners, we are pleased to announce an extension to the deadline for our ASAP Species Conservation grants to 30th August. Due to the unprecedented COVID-19 situation, we know that some of our Partners were unable to complete and submit their pre-proposal in time for the original deadline. We want to make sure all of our Partners have the opportunity to submit an application, and we welcome further pre-proposals. However, this will be a competitive process as we have already received well over the number of grant proposals we can award. Projects will be evaluated based on criteria including a focus on direct conservation action for ASAP species. Priority will be given to:

  • projects within Southeast Asia
  • projects submitted by national organisations and where the project lead is from the country where conservation action is occurring
  • species that are receiving less conservation attention globally than is average for ASAP species, and to applications making a clear case that the species in question is severely under-supported globally.

To apply for a grant, you must already be an ASAP Partner. We will not be accepting funding applications from organisations registering to become an ASAP Partner after today. The new deadline is 30th August. For more information, visit ASAP Species Conservation Grants. Featured image ©Ronet Santos/d'Aboville Foundation


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