Searching for Javan Blue-banded Kingfisher in Central Java
© Imam Taufiqurrahman
Project aims
Determine the distribution and population status of the Kingfisher along the upstream section of the Sengkarang river system
Collect information on habitat requirements, diet and ecology of the Kingfisher
Raise awareness on the need to protect riverine forests and promote bird-friendly tourism activities by targeting river-based tour operators
The kingfisher species was detected multiples times along the Wisnu and Welo rivers, with at least one male and female duo identified on the Wisnu.
The records enabled an improved understanding of the species’ ecology: all sightings were made along rocky streams with flowing water and good canopy cover (including relatively dense, mixed species agroforestry).
53 villagers were involved in the surveys, and this was used as an opportunity to garner more community interest in the conservation of the species.
Three local tourism operators also joined the surveys, and this was used to help assess the potential for eco-tourism, focused on the kingfisher and other lowland bird species in the area.
Organisation: Yayasan SwaraOwa
Country: Indonesia
Year project started: 2021
Species: Javan Blue-banded Kingfisher