Yayasan Alabama Indonesia Lestari


Mission statement

We are a non-government organization based in Labuan Sub-District, District of Pandeglang, Banten Province - Indonesia. Alabama was founded by a group of local community whom concerned on nature conservation, education and community empowerment issues in Ujung Kulon National Park and its surrounding areas in 2006.

Our initial activities were, among others:

  • Mangrove ecosystem restoration in the coastal areas of Pandeglang District as a way to maintain source of life of local community living in Ujung Kulon National Park buffer-zone.

  • Raising local community awareness on Javan Rhinoceros conservation and the function of mangrove ecosystem to support community’s livelihood as well as increased human and wildlife resilience to climate change and natural disaster such as tsunami and abrasion


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ASAP Species they are working to conserve


ASAP Partner since: 2020

Country focus: Indonesia


Yayasan Pelayanan Papua Nenda (YAPPENDA)


BIONESIA (Yayasan Biodiversitas Indonesia)