Environment Protection and Study Center
Mission statement
Environment Protection and Study Center (ENPROSC) is a non-profit, non-governmental organization (NGO) registered with Nepal government in 1994 and affiliated with the Social Welfare Council (SWC). ENPROSC works primarily on four fronts: Research, Capacity Building, Evidence Based Ground Level Actions and Environmental Advocacy and Communication.
Research and conservation are our main focus. Our research on wildlife and biodiversity are primarily targeted towards the non-charismatic plants and animal groups species such as herpetofauna (amphibians and reptiles), small mammals, birds, fishes, insects and habitats associated with them. Research efforts on biodiversity conservation are complemented by exploring the human dimensions interlinked with conservation issues and restoration ecology. Integrating scientific evidence with local context, using both scientific and socio-economic tools and approaches, are important organizational priority.
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ASAP Species they are working to conserve
ASAP Partner since: 2022
Country focus: Nepal
Organisation: Nature Conservation Society-Myanmar
Country: Myanmar