Institute for Tropical Biology and Conservation, Universiti Malaysia Sabah


Mission statement

The Institute for Tropical Biology and Conservation (ITBC) of Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) is located in the Malaysian state of Sabah, northern Borneo. ITBC was established on 6th June 1996 with the purpose to promote the protection and sustainable use of terrestrial biodiversity resources and natural ecosystems via research, training, education and outreach programs. ITBC strives to be a Centre of Excellence in research, innovation, education and training pertaining to management and conservation of tropical biodiversity and the environment. In pursuit of this purpose, the principle objectives of ITBC are as follows:

  • To enhance research and innovation in tropical biodiversity and conservation that contribute towards effective management and resilience of key ecosystems, species and genetic diversity.

  • To enhance reference facilities (BORNEENSIS) to effectively and efficiently manage biodiversity materials, data, information and knowledge.

  • To enhance excellence in teaching and learning by embracing IR4.0 for building capacity in tropical biodiversity and conservation.

  • To intensify stakeholders engagement and collaboration in biodiversity conservation.

  • To enhance dissemination of information and knowledge on the values of biodiversity and their conservation to the stakeholders.


ASAP Species they are working to conserve


ASAP Partner since: 2022

Country focus: Malaysia

News & Stories


Pusat Studi Ekologi Konservasi dan Etnobiologi


Rainforest Trust