Mission statement

Katala Foundation Inc. (KFI) works with local communities in the Philippines, most especially in Palawan, to conserve the Palawan Forest Turtle through in-situ and ex-situ conservation measures, scientific research, community outreach, conservation education and capacity building of stakeholders.

Our strategies are:

  1. Increase capacity and empower local partners and communities as effective conservation managers;

  2. Increase level of knowledge on biodiversity conservation through intensive conservation education activities and thereby influencing positive attitudes and behaviours towards the environment;

  3. Implement effective projects and programs to halt biodiversity decline;

  4. Conduct scientific research along with local partners applying international standards and methodologies to fill up research gaps and recommend the most appropriate action for decision makers to lead;

  5. Develop proactive leadership among local partners; and

  6. Strengthen the organization through staff development.


ASAP Species they are working to conserve


ASAP Partner since: 2017

Country focus: Philippines

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Malaysian Primatological Society (MPS)


Friends of Nature (Nepal)