Yayasan Konservasi Nusa Palapa (KONUPA)


Mission statement

The primary objective of KONUPA is to promote sustainable conservation practices and raise awareness about the importance of conserving the natural resources. KONUPA actively engages in research, conservation initiatives, and community outreach programs to achieve its goals.

KONUPA conducts scientific research to better understand the ecological processes, species diversity, and the overall health of ecosystem. Through these research efforts, the organization aims to gather valuable data that can inform and guide conservation strategies.

In addition to research, KONUPA implements conservation initiatives to protect endangered species, conserve critical habitats, and mitigate threats to the environment. This includes the establishment of protected areas, implementation of sustainable resource management practices, and collaboration with local communities to promote conservation awareness and participation.



ASAP Partner since: 2023

Country focus: Indonesia

Partner articles and projects we are funding


Yayasan Konservasi Alam Nusantara


Yayasan Masarang – unit Tasikoki Wildlife Rescue Centre