About Us

Who we are

People Resources and Conservation Foundation (PRCF) is a US-based 501(c)3 non-profit, non-government, and non-membership organization.  We promote biodiversity conservation, protection and wise use of natural resources, and sound social and economic development.  PRCF works with rural people in developing countries, particularly with local communities and ethnic minorities living nearby protected areas, remnant forests, and degraded forest lands.

Our mission

To conserve biodiversity, ecosystem services, and local cultural identities through participatory solutions that protect and promote the wise use of natural resources, support the socio-economic development of communities, and enable effective adaptation to climate change.

Our strategic priorities

  • Conservation of biodiversity and ecosystem functions
  • Sustainable management and use of natural resources
  • Community-based conservation initiatives
  • Cultural arts revitalization and ethnic minority livelihoods

Working with local communities

PRCF directors and staff realize that local communities are integral to the success of nature conservation and community development programs.  We advocate community participation and environmental conservation and reject and discourage activities that change local populations' cultural identity or social structure or negatively affect the natural environment.

Through our field programs, PRCF motivates local people to preserve and enhance their traditional self-respect and identity.  We encourage communities to be active

and responsible in all development activities, including participation in needs assessment, planning, implementation, and progress monitoring.  We regard active members in PRCF community development programs as 'project owners' to reinforce this participation premise.  Collectively, they share the responsibility of labor inputs and most of the materials needed to complete their projects.  PRCF provides technical assistance through training and extension and facilitates initial funds to purchase project materials and establish village-level institutions.

Mode of operation

PRCF works as a federation of country programs that initiates member organizations in host countries.  Our goal is that member organizations will eventually become independent non-governmental organizations in the country of operation, with qualified nationals in charge of their management and administration.  A shared vision of PRCF Federation members is local biodiversity management that supports ecosystem functions and enables a sustained form of resource use.  Local, self-reliant communities with stable cultural identities and socio-economic conditions promote this vision.

We provide technical advice and financial support to members of the PRCF Federation.  Members share the PRCF insignia, philosophy, vision, and mission statement.  No PRCF Federation member acquires operational funding through the provision of consultancy services.

ASAP Species That We Work On

What We Do

The PRCF works with local stakeholder communities and governments to support the conservation of endangered species and their habitat.  Most of our work entails strengthening the capacities of local communities for biodiversity conservation and management in their living environment.  We promote co-management modalities to promote equitable decision-making between communities and government for conservation management.

Where We Work

We work within landscapes holding high conservation-value forests in Southeast Asia, at present particularly in Indonesia (Kalimantan and Sumatra) and Vietnam (Central highlands and Northern Mountainous Region).

Contact Details

Jl. Dr. Wahidin Sudiro Husudo Pontianak,West Kalimantan,78115 Indonesia

Web & Social Media

Photo Credits

People Resources and Conservation Foundation (PRCF)