Mission statement

Third Pole Conservancy (TPC) is a non-governmental, and non-profit organization established by a team of young wildlife researchers and conservationists from Nepal with the aim of promoting science-based conservation of birds, mammals, other threatened wildlife and their habitat in Nepal Himalaya.

TPC is dedicated to safeguard the future of wildlife through scientific research and community outreach programmes. TPC aims to conserve wildlife through people participation by developing and promoting local citizen scientist through necessary training and skill development schemes. TPC works with local schools in remote communities engaging young school children making them aware on wildlife conservation through informal classes and extra-curricular activities which not only benefit their education but also have positive impacts on the people and wildlife of their communities. Besides wildlife research and conservation, TPC also works on human-wildlife conflict mitigation, livelihood improvement, climate change, biodiversity conservation and nature-based tourism.


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ASAP Species they are working to conserve


ASAP Partner since: 2023

Country focus: Nepal


Three Monkey Wildlife Conservancy


The Corbett Foundation