Dwi Agustina
About yourself
I am the Conservation Program Coordinator of Perkumpulan Konservasi Kakatua Indonesia (KKI), sister organization of The Indonesian Parrot Project (IPP). We are work on conservation effort of wild extinction for parrots and cockatoos in Indonesia, with research, rehabilitation and reintroduction, conservation education and community development.
Which ASAP species you are working to conserve, and can you tell us a little about your work?
We have two project sites:
Masakambing Project, on Masalembu Archipelago, Indonesia focus project for the rarest Cacatua sulphurea abbotti. KKI started to study population and conservation awareness pride program in 2008 and facilitated the Village Role or Peraturan Desa (Perdes) No. 1 Year 2009. The conservation effort by KKI and villagers have been very successful. They have steadily fought their way up to 22 birds (2018) and ‘zero trapping’ since 2009 until now. Currently, the population of Abbotti cockatoo has gradually been increasing. Masakambing has been designated as Essential Ecosystem Area (KEE) by East Java Governor Decree No. 188/166/KTSP/013/2020 as protected habitat now.
Masihulan Project, on North Seram, Maluku, focus project for Parrot Rehabilitation and Reintroduction Center. KKI also doing community development program to the local villagers in Masihulan and Huaulu (village in Manusela National Park buffer zone). The program facilitated capacity building to the community for ecotourism programs, including training guides, creating homestays in the village and other opportunities for the local community.
What/Who inspired you to start a career in conservation?
Stewart Metz, MD RIP (owner of IPP) has change my life, from teacher in school to become conservationist in field. He brings me to see the realistic of conservation world, and make me falling in love with birds. That truly different world. That why I am retired from my routine work at school as a teacher. But now, I still can teach the schoolchildren in around Indonesia with the conservation education. Spread more conservation virus widely is fun.
How do you think the ASAP Women in Conservation Leadership Programme will help you in carrying out your work?
This training course of the Women in Conservation Leadership Programme, teach me to be better person to manage and carry out our conservation program and add my skills a lot. By sharing experience with other amazing women conservationists who working with ASAP species that meaningfully and awesome for learning and listening each other. I am proud to be a part of this training.