Magdalena Putri Nugrahani


About yourself

I graduated with my Masters from Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia and since I’ve have been leading and managing programmes in East Java for BISA Indonesia. BISA Indonesia is a non-profit foundation committed to research-based species conservation.

Which ASAP species you are working to conserve, and can you tell us a little about your work?

BISA Indonesia currently conserves ASAP species such as Rufous-fronted Laughingthrush, Bleeding Toad, Javan Blue-banded Kingfisher, Black-winged Myna, and Javan Green Magpie.  

Among these species, we are focusing our efforts to conduct research and conserve the Black-winged Myna. Even though the Black-winged Myna ranges throughout Java and Bali, it is difficult and rare to encounter this species. Moreover, there is increasingly less suitable habitat to found on Java Island. Our survey results show that Black-winged Mynas are only found in small populations in eastern Java due to threats such as habitat degradation and land use change. 

In addition to existing threats to its habitat, the species is also widely hunted and traded, and we lack current information on its population trends and there are no existing initiatives or structures to breed the species in captivity.  

Therefore, research and conservation of this species of bird is crucial and urgent action needs to be carried out comprehensively, starting from preservation of its population to its habitat, as well as education and public outreach.    


Minh Nguyen


Yunita Siwi