Collaborating for Rück's Blue Flycatcher surveys and research in Sikundur, North Sumatra
Project aims
Rück's Blue Flycatcher has not been reliably recorded for over 100 years. However, the lowland forests of North Sumatra remain poorly surveyed for birds and there is a chance it persists. Before a full survey can be initiated there is a need to identify stakeholders, and gather information on possible survey localities.
A collaboration with Yayasan Ekosistem Lestari (YEL), who have operated at the survey location for several years, has been established with Endemic Indonesia Society. Part of this collaboration includes a rapid reconnaissance survey for Rück's Blue Flycatcher.
Several threatened bird species were recorded, as well as a relatively large number of Cyornis flycatchers, indicating the area’s strong potential as a survey location for Rück's Blue Flycatcher.
Organisation: Endemic Indonesia Society
Collaborating Partners: Angkor Centre for Conservation of Biodiversity; Turtle Conservation Center, Asian Turtle Programme, Indonesian Herpetofauna Foundation
Country: Indonesia
Year project started: 2024
Species: Rück's Blue Flycatcher