Improving the nest box programme for Bali Starlings on Nusa Penida Island and on Mainland Bali


© Friends of National Parks Foundation

Project aim

Released Bali Starlings are conservation dependent; they require a relatively large network of maintained and predator-proof nest boxes to maximise breeding success, and therefore population recovery. The three-year project will aim to expand and improve the nest box programme at two localities were Bali Starlings have been released.

The ability of Friends of the National Parks Foundation (FNPF) to maintain and monitor a large nest box programme requires substantial resources. These resources took a hit during Covid-19, because of the decline in international volunteers. FNPF will embark on a complete overhaul and refresh of its external communications to maximise its ability to secure regular volunteers that can support its Bali Starling conservation programme.






Organisation: Friends of the National Parks Foundation 

Country: Indonesia

Year project started: 2024

Species: Bali Starling

Supported by: Fondation Segré


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