Pilot reintroduction of Elongated Tortoise in Cambodia
© ACCB/Pau Puigcerver
Project aims
Identify a suitable release site for Elongated Tortoise at a secure location in northeast Cambodia
Release up to 100 captive-bred and head-started Elongated Tortoises at a secure location, using a “soft-release” strategy
Monitor survival rates amongst the released Elongated Tortoises.
Full health screens were performed on ACCB's captive population of Elongated Tortoise, prior to release
100 healthy tortoises were released at a secure semi-wild pre-release area in Northern Cambodia
33 of the tortoises were fitted with VHF / GPS tags to aid monitoring
Full release of the tortoises into a protected area occured in January 2024
Organisation: Angkor Centre for Conservation of Biodiversity (ACCB)
Country: Cambodia
Year project started: 2022
Species: Elongated Tortoise