EcosystemImpact Foundation


Mission statement

EcosystemImpact Foundation works to keep the wild landscapes of Bangkaru and Simeulue Islands, Aceh, Indonesia, wild through a sustainability approach where business, people and nature thrive alongside each other.

Our approach is both scientific and community driven. We see no distinction between what is classed as an environmental issue, and what would be classed as a social issue, as from a holistic interdisciplinary perspective everything is connected. We believe that it is only by taking into account social, environmental and political factors, that real lasting change be made.

Part of the Barusan island chain off the coast of Sumatra, Bangkaru and Simeulue Islands lay just 350 kilometres north of the equator. The region’s nature consists of highly biodiverse tropical rainforest and coral reefs. These islands are home to some of the world’s most endangered turtle and bird species. Our mission is to save these species from the brink of extinction and develop opportunities for local community’s benefit from involvement.


ASAP Species they are working to conserve


ASAP Partner since: 2020

Country focus: Indonesia

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Partner articles and projects we are funding


Ecotourism & Conservation Society Malaysia


Fauna & Flora International