About Us

Perkumpulan Konservasi Kakatua Indonesia (KKI) is nonprofit NGO with a focus on and conserving and protecting Indonesian parrots. KKI established in December 2006 and registered in KemenkumHAM in February 27th 2007 with Berita Negara No. C-01.HT.01.03.TH.2007. KKI is sister organization in the United States, the Indonesian Parrot Project. All of KKI programs focuses on conservation effort of wild extinction for parrots and cockatoos in Indonesia, with research, rehabilitation and reintroduction, conservation education and community development.

ASAP Species That We Work On

What We Do

Our target species is parrots & cockatoos in Indonesia. Many of these species are threatened or on the brink of extinction. Our documentary film of education awareness and pride campaign materials published on: https://youtu.be/x9PJVypHXBw & https://youtu.be/MS56qPN2agE.

KKI also doing survey parrot population in Sulawesi, East Nusa, Maluku, and Papua to contribute in providing the gap data on parrots population. The high market demand for the parrots threatened the parrots population in the wild. Hence, it is crucial to understand the current population status of the parrots in the wild in relation with the illegal wildlife trade. Our new scientific journal about parrot trade has been published in 2021: (1) What drives the illegal parrot trade? Applying a criminological model to market and seizure data in Indonesia’  (Biological Conservation Vol 257, May 2021) DOI: 10.1016/j.biocon.2021.109098; (2) ‘Wildlife trade influencing natural parrot populations on a biodiverse Indonesian Island’ (Diversity Journal Vol 13, Issue 10 October 2021, 483) https://doi.org/10.3390/d13100483.

The project in Masakambing bought a piece of land on the tiny island (2016), which designated for the protection of birds as 'Beka Park' (Beka: local name for cockatoo in Masakambing). In cooperation with the local people they planted crops, and constructed an irrigation system. Then hired some of the local people to run the farm on a long-term basis. All plant which is cockatoo necessary are grown in ‘Beka Park’, this is good for both people and parrots. A portion of the food is consumed by people living on the island, and a portion is reserved for the parrots.

We work directly at the grassroots level with the local stakeholders to provide capacity building in these parrot rich communities. Creating of sustainable income for the local people like ecoturism in Maluku, providing them with employment it incurs not only a sense of pride in their “special birds” but stops illegal trapping and smuggling. KKI will starting for added value of the local product by export the dry bird food and bird toys. This new program will achieve our mission in preserving and protect the wild parrots and cockatoos in Indonesia, with giving benefit result to the local community.

Funding from outside organizations has diminished during the Covid pandemic and there is a strong need to fund our facility to protect the local community and staff, which is all peopled by the local community.

Where We Work

We have two focus project sites:

  1. Masakambing Project, on Masalembu Archipelago, Indonesia focus project for the rarest subspecies Cacatua sulphurea abbotti. KKI started to study population and conservation awareness pride program in 2008 and facilitated the Village Role or Peraturan Desa (Perdes) No. 1 Year 2009. The conservation effort by KKI and villagers have been very successful. They have steadily fought their way up to 22 birds (2018) and ‘zero trapping’ since 2009 until now. Currently, the population of Abbotti cockatoo has gradually been increasing. A decade work of KKI has been published in BIOTROPIA Journal Vol.27 No.3 December 2020, DOI: 10.11598/btb.2020.27.3.1229, with title: ‘Monitoring of Cacatua sulphurea abbotti Population in Masakambing Island, Indonesia’. Masakambing has been designated as Essential Ecosystem Area (KEE) by East Java Governor Decree No. 188/166/KTSP/013/2020 as protected habitat now.


  1. Maluku Project, on Maluku Archipelago, Indonesia focus project for Parrot Rehabilitation and Reintroduction Center. KKI also doing community development program to the local villagers in Masihulan and Huaulu (village in Manusela National Park buffer zone on Seram Island). The program facilitated capacity building to the community for ecotourism programs, including training guides, creating homestays in the village and other opportunities for the local community. The wild parrot population is an important basic data conservation effort. This is what prompted KKI to conduct a population survey of parrot in collaboration with NP Manusela in 2020. Recently we starting work in Aru Islands for reintroduction and trade campaign awareness program in 2021. In this 2022, we are starting collaboration with Biology Pattimura University for research on Cacatua moluccensis in around Ambon Island.

Contact Details

Perumahan Griya Gandasari, Jl. Borneo No.8, Gandasari, Kec. Cikarang Bar., Bekasi, Jawa Barat 17530, Indonesia

Web & Social Media

Photo Credits

Dudi Nandika