About Us

We carry out the higher education services in specific field – animal science and wildlife science. Three main aspects provide by the university are (1) teaching, (2) conducting research, and (3) carrying out community services. As partner of ASAP, we focusing on research related to biodiversity and conservation of wildlife species, including key species supported by ASAP.

ASAP Species That We Work On

What We Do

We - The Wildlife Research Group Laboratory, conducting research based on the area of expertise from each staff, both based on the focused species and the concepts that support wildlife management programs in general. In addition, this laboratory is also involved in the teaching and learning process through mentoring students who have an interest in researching different wild animal species in Papua.

The performance of each staff member in the Wildlife Research Group Laboratory can be traced directly through the Google Scholar, Research Gate and SINTA which accommodate, research-based scientific publications. In addition, information about this staff can be accessed through the website of the Faculty of Animal Science, University of Papua at the link - https://fapetunipa.ac.id/profil/profil-dosen/ (fapetunipa.ac.id)

Where We Work

In particular, we work through the entire of Indonesia New Guinea (both Papua and West Papua provinces). As our location is in West Papua, we are more focusing our work in West Papua Province

Contact Details

Jalan Gunung Salju, Amban, Manokwari Barat, Amban, Manokwari, Kabupaten Manokwari, Papua Bar. 98314, Indonesia

Web & Social Media