Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS)
Giant IbisWhite-shouldered IbisRed-headed VultureSlender-billed VultureWhite-rumped VultureBengal FloricanYellow-breasted BuntingElongated TortoiseBurmese Starred TortioseArakan Forest TurtleBurmese Roofed TurtleNorthern River TerrapinSulawesi Forest TurtleRote Island Snake-necked TurtleSiamese CrocodileAsian Giant TortoiseHelmeted HornbillBornean OrangutanWhite-bellied HeronBaer's PochardYangtze Giant Softshell Turtle
Written By Vicki Guthrie

Mission statement
Over the past century, Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) has established long-term conservation presence in the last wild places across the Americas, Africa, Asia, and Oceania, built strong and trusting partnerships, and acquired a depth of knowledge that ensures effective conservation action. We protect these last wild places because they are intact, biodiverse, most resilient to climate change, and bastions for large, iconic wildlife species.
WCS's goal is to conserve the world's largest wild places in 16 priority regions, home to more than 50% of the world's biodiversity.
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ASAP Species they are working to conserve
ASAP Partner since: 2017
Country focus: Global
News & Stories
Organisation: NatureLife Cambodia Organization
Country: Cambodia
Organisation: Wildlife Conservation Society
Country: Myanmar