Silvi Dwi Anasari
About yourself
I work at the Ecosystem Impact Foundation as the Project Coordinator for the Babi and Lasia community ranger project.
My work focuses on the conservation of Nias Hill Myna, critically endangered species which has been driven to the brink of extinction and is now almost exclusively found in the pet trade. They are now only found in the wild on three, possibly four islands, with Babi and Lasia being two of these islands.
What are some of the rewards and challenges working in conservation?
? I started gaining experience in conservation in 2015, as a biodiversity research assistant. During the research, almost all of the project participants were men. They always thought I couldn’t hike, carry equipment, or walk long distances. They underestimated me before they got to know me. I didn’t feel discouraged by it, I just proved that I could handle it. I never complained about being tired, I always carried my own bag and equipment, and kept up with the research schedule. When I was tasked with leading a project, my staff said I couldn’t manage it because I was younger than them and a woman. I proved to them that I could manage it. I made the plans, had discussions with them, and we implemented the project together. When my staff and I faced difficult situations, I evaluated them and made sure we never blamed each other.
What does being a part of the ASAP Women in Conservation Leadership network mean to you?
I want to continue to grow and lead more projects that involve local people and make them proud of their job to protect species and natural habitats. From this programme, I will grow my network and hope to gain a female conservation mentor, who can support me as a woman in leading conservation work and help me progress, and be more confident in pursuing my dreams.
Why do you think this programme is important for you?
This programme will impact and improve my ability to carry out my job as Project Coordinator of a project which is crucial for the protection of two highly threatened ASAP Species. With the knowledge I learn through participating in this programme, I will be able to approach my job and tasks with a renewed sense of inspiration. I will be able to implement new theories and methods learnt during the course to improve my work. This will lead to an improvement in the way the Babi and Lasia Ranger Project is run and therefore have a positive outcome on the species we work to protect. It is challenging to work with rangers who do not have a background in biology or existing conservation knowledge. But with the skills and tools learnt through this programme, I will be better equipped and more capable of managing and leading the project team.