Sitta Yusti Azizah
About yourself
I graduated from Forest Conservation, my passion is birdwatching, and I also became trainer for bird banding/ringing at Yogyakarta. Now I work at Bisa Indonesia, as member of co-founders and responsible for Finance and Administration Manager. One of our activities is conserve the critically endangered bird, Javan Blue Flycatcher, in Jatimulyo village collaborating with Kanopi Indonesia and local community village, Wanapaksi.
What inspired you to start working in the field of conservation?
I have a passion for nature and the environment, and my studies in conservation has made me aware about condition of the environment and many protected species that receive little attention for conserve. And inspired by conservationists working to save wildlife and forests, I am motivated to actively engage in this field. I hope to make a positive impact on biodiversity conservation and inspire many others to do the same.
What does being a part of the ASAP Women in Conservation Leadership network mean to you?
This program connect me with other women working in conservation, thus providing motivation and mutual inspiration. Through this network, I learn how to understand values and achieve wellbeing to support leadership skills in conservation activities as a woman.
Why do you think this programme is important for you?
As a woman in conservation faces additional challenges, this program is important to me because it builds confidence and positive mind, that can be supporting as a leader. Besides, I hope it can inspire other women that work in the conservation field.