At the heart of what we do is saving species from extinction. Our work is diverse and involves providing support to ASAP Partners through a multi-faceted approach. Everything ASAP does is with the goal of catalysing conservation action.

Our programmes target four key strategic areas which focus on strengthening and scaling-up the conservation work being done by our Partners. Through these programmes, we seek to better resource the wider mission of saving species in Southeast Asia.

© Roland Wirth

Increase funding

There is an urgent need to increase funding for Critically Endangered species in Southeast Asia. ASAP leverages funding opportunities and runs grant programmes for ASAP species conservation.

See projects we have funded >

© Mandai Wildlife Group

Strengthen capacity

Building capacity in countries where ASAP species occur will help increase conservation action and impact. ASAP runs targeted training programmes to strengthen the skills and knowledge of ASAP Partners.

Find out more >

© Mandai Wildlife Group

Raise the profile

Despite being Critically Endangered, ASAP species are often deprived of conservation attention. ASAP communicates with key audiences to bring awareness of and drive action for ASAP species conservation.

Read our articles >

© Roland Wirth

Catalyse conservation

Most ASAP species are not receiving essential conservation attention. ASAP pinpoints key gaps in conservation effort, and creates an enabling environment for effective conservation action.

Read more >

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