
BIONESIA (Yayasan Biodiversitas Indonesia) is a non-profit foundation that focus on  research, capacity building, and conservation. Based in Denpasar, Bali, it has a vision to promote the Indonesian biodiversity through research and capacity building.

Education, research, and conservation have always been crucial aspects of biodiversity protection programs. This is what underlies and motivates us to establish BIONESIA. BIONESIA was officially founded in 2015 in Denpasar, Bali. It has collaboratively worked with universities, other nature conservation organizations (NGOs), and the government to establish a strong research culture, facilitate international collaborations, enhance the capacity of young Indonesian researchers, and provide scientific data to support sustainable biodiversity management.

What We Do

Currently, we are working on several projects related to the study of marine and freshwater biodiversity. These projects include genetic population studies of sharks, rays, and commercial fish species, forensic studies of sharks and sea turtles, genetic population studies of sea turtles, and the study of freshwater fish diversity using environmental DNA (eDNA) in several lakes in Bali and Indonesia and and we hope to expand our focus to other topics in the future. We are very open to local and global collaborations to support biodiversity conservation in Indonesia.


Where We Work

Bali and Indonesia wide

Contact Details

Jl. Bina Kasuari B8, Cokroaminoto, Ubung Kaja, Denpasar Utara, Bali, Indonesia

Web & Social Media