About Us

We developed an application called BURUNGNESIA, which is the largest citizen research project in Indonesia. It started in 2016 and has collected the largest data on the distribution of birds in the wild in Indonesia (even larger than Cornell’s eBird). There are more than 2000 active users, we mapping all birds in all regions of Indonesia. At least we have collected information about 1,300 (70% of Indonesia's total species) bird species.

The data from our application is used to facilitate researchers, students, academics and the government for research purposes and strengthening species protection laws in Indonesia. The Forestry Ministry of Indonesia uses our data as one of the main references in reviewing species protection regulations, including revisions to the CITES Appendix

We compiled the Atlas of Indonesian Birds (2020) which is a form of advocacy for songbirds whose populations are extremely declining. Until now, we are still focusing on collecting data and mapping the remaining songbirds in the wild.

In 2021 we launched a Field Guide book of Greater Sunda (bahasa) as a form of strengthening the citizen science movement and educating the public.

We consistently accompany bird hunters until they are ready to become bird guides and can run their own business around East Java.

Where We Work

We work online and connected with a network of bird watchers in Indonesia both as individuals and organizations.

 On a local scale we are developing avivauna tourism in East Java.

Contact Details

Jl. Dewi Mutmainah no 2, Kota Batu, East Java, Indonesia

Web & Social Media