About Us

CoDA provides services primarily to its partners, local government, NPAs and local authorities nevertheless.  Our beneficiary is all farmers in rural and remote areas who produce agriculture products, lack of opportunity to access information and basic need of infrastructure.

  • People have sufficient and nutritious food, stable income and rich natural resources ;
  • Biodiversity Conservation in Nongluang Lake
  • Women are empowered, recognized and given equal rights to fully participate in decision making processes for community development ;
  • The association is strong, stable and well recognized

in society ( Laos and internationally)

What We Do

Our Vision:

Vulnerable communities in Laos are empowered for attaining prosperous and happy life through sustainable and gender participatory development.

Our Mission:

Our association has the commitment to develop and promote agriculture products linked to sustainable market, empower women in local participatory development, support communities to access to basic education and basic health in parallel with strengthening of the association and partner organizations.

CoDA is a non-profit organization. It is located in Laos in the provinces of Vientiane and Savannakhet and operates mainly in remote villages.  Its aim is to assist vulnerable and isolated communities through the development of agriculture and education in a sustainable and equitable manner with Goal "CoDA strengthened as learning center for community and environment development in sustainable way."

Where We Work

Savannakhet and Khammouane provinces

Contact Details

Saphantai Street 03, House No 462, Unit No 01, Kaysonephomvihane city, Savannakhet Province.

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