About Us

FORINA is a multi-stakeholders forum comprised of government institutions, business sectors, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and academia, as well as individuals concerned with the protection of orangutans and their environment.

FORINA's mission is to achieve the preservation of orangutans and their habitats through the collaboration of all stakeholders.

As a multistakeholders forum, FORINA plays important roles ini uniting agent to carry out synergistic conservation efforts for orangutans and their ecosystems; Communication, information exchange, experience, and expertise relevant to the protection of the Indonesian orangutan and its habitat; Encouraging and uniting social initiatives to protect the Indonesian orangutan and its environment.

ASAP Species That We Work On

What We Do

FORINA carries out a number of activities to fulfill its purpose, including:

  1. Promote the conservation of Indonesian orangutans and their habitats.
  2. Growing and increasing awareness about the conservation of the Indonesian orangutan and its habitat.
  3. Conduct and or facilitate advocacy on policies for the conservation of Indonesian orangutans and their habitats.
  4. Synchronize and synergize the conservation efforts of the Indonesian orangutan and its habitat.
  5. Facilitate support for the conservation of the Indonesian orangutan and its habitat.

We also initiated collaboration and working closely with other key-species forums, acknowledging that orangutans share their habitat or landscape with other species, and that orangutan conservation efforts must be integrated with other species in this circumstance. Some of the collaboration's initiatives include joint campaigns on key species like as tigers, elephants, and rhinos.

Where We Work

We work on a national and regional level. At the regional level, we work in Sumatra and Kalimantan, where orangutans live. We are collaborating closely with the central government, regional governments, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), academics, and others who concern about orangutans throughout Indonesia.

Contact Details

Lab 515. Lantai 3 Jalan Raya Salihara No 41A RT 001/03 - Kel. Pasar Minggu, Kec. Pasar Minggu, Jakarta Selatan 12520

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