About Us

Mandai Nature aims to advance efforts for nature conservation in Asia, with a focus on protecting threatened species from extinction, protecting and restoring ecosystems, driving nature-based solutions to mitigate climate change, and creating benefits for local communities.

We deliver impact by supporting local organisations on the ground through funding, development of capacity and skills, and by linking local and global agendas.

Our role is to create solutions, enable and catalyse action, help scale up conservation efforts, and support organisations and experts.

Mandai Nature proudly hosts the IUCN SSC Asian Species Action Partnership (ASAP) secretariat as well as the IUCN SSC Conservation Planning Specialist Group (CPSG) Southeast Asia Resource Centre.


ASAP Species That We Work On

What We Do

1. Southern river terrapin – Reintroduction of head started individuals and monitor released animals. Nest and habitat protection along river. Habitat restoration along Sre Ambel River in Cambodia.

2. Siamese crocodile - Nest protection programme; camera trap survey for nesting adults; rearing hatchlings along Sre Ambel River in Cambodia. Population survey at Lake Mesangat (part of the Mahakam River system), East Kalimantan Province, Indonesia.

3. Vultures in Cambodia namely the White-rumped vulture, Slender-billed vulture and Red-headed vulture – Supporting establishment of ‘Vulture Restaurant’ at key sites across Cambodia. These restaurants serve a dual purpose and are used to both monitor vulture populations and to support vulnerable populations of vultures with supplemental safe feeding.

4. Sumatran orangutan – Support operations of Human Orangutan Conflict Response Units in the Leuser Ecosystem, Northern Sumatra. Monitor rehabilitated orangutans and survey for suitable translocation sites. Outreach amongst local communities to mitigate potential conflict.

5. Celebes crested macaque – Support the development of a tool for range wide population monitoring. Outreach among the local community for conservation of the macaque.

6. Sulawesi forest turtle – Support surveys to determine the status and distribution followed by development of a monitoring program to accrue ecological, physiological, and genetic data. These data will aid in future captive breeding efforts, assist in the development of much needed assurance colonies, and ensure the sustainability of the species.

7. Roti island snake-necked turtle – Confirm the genetic diversity of individuals currently held in captivity. Support head starting of a population for reintroduction. Prepare reintroduction site.

8. Bali Myna- Support captive breeding of individuals for release. Education and outreach amongst the local community. Post-release monitoring program.

9. Saola – Support establishment, training and equipping a team of five forest guards for anti-poaching and habitat protection in Xe Sap National Protected Area, southern Lao PDR.

10. Palawan Forest Turtle – Support research on conservation breeding and management of a healthy ex-situ population. Determine wild population using mark recapture techniques.

11. Philippine Cockatoo – Support outreach and livlihood enhancement with local fishing community to protect the cockatoo. Construction of pre-release aviary of captive bred cockatoos.

12. Delacour's Langur - Population survey to identify threats. Engage with all stakeholders to develop a conservation plan for the species in Kam Bang Forest, Ha Nam Province, Vietnam.

13. Vietnam Pheasant - Support establishment of the first conservation breeding centre for Edwards’s Pheasant in its historic range. Continued search for any remaining population of Edwards’s Pheasant in the wild, using camera traps and expert surveyors.

14. Black-winged starling – Support captive breeding facility. Outreach and education of local community.

15. Sunda pangolin – Reintroduction of rescued individuals. Research on genetics, ecology, home range, population estimation. Outreach and education.

16. Tonkin snub-nosed monkey – Habitat protection. Genetic analysis and population estimation.

Where We Work

Cambodia : Sre Ambel River system; Stung Treng; Preah Vihear; Mondulkiri; Kratie;

Indonesia : Lake Mesangat (part of the Mahakam River system), East Kalimantan Province; Leuser Ecosystem, Northern Sumatra; Sulawesi; Roti island; Bali; Java

Lao PDR: Xe Sap National Protected Area; Nakai-Nam Theun National Protected Area

Philippines: Palawan

Vietnam: Kam Bang Forest, Ha Nam Province; Khau Ca Habitat Conservation Area, Ha Giang Province; Quang Binh, Ha Tinh and Quang Tri provinces;


Contact Details

80 Mandai Lake Road, Singapore, 729826

Web & Social Media

Photo Credits

Featured image: Sunda Pangolin by Mandai Nature