About Us

RCS or Raptor Conservation Society or Assosiation of Local Community for Raptor Conservation and Their Habitats is non profit and non-government organization that was founded in as informal and founded formal in Friday, October 29 th 2004 with Registrated Number : 9, July, 09 th 2007 at Cianjur West Java Indonesia. It is supported primarily by self donation and grant from private sectors, foundation and companies.

Since our founding, we have worked with local conservation groups, companies and governments to protect many valuable biodiversity, especially on raptor and their habitats. We work closely with all key stakeholders groups whether they are private landowners, local residents, industries, government or just people who value the place because it is there. Ultimately sustainable initiatives towards conservation requires the unwavering commitments of all stakeholders.

Our Mission

To preserve the raptors and their habitats that represents the diversity of life on Earth through development, increase awareness, care, and involvement of local community and stakeholders towards raptors conservation.

Our Vision

Studying raptors to conserve nature

ASAP Species That We Work On

What We Do

RCS manages projects that are both outside and inside the conservation area where critically endangered birs species exist. We focus our efforts on the flores hawk eagle at sunda island, javan hawk eagle and other birds such us javan green magpie and rufous-fronted laughingthrush in jawa island. Our current engagements involve teaching our partners the best practices in Indonesia.

We are working with the Directorat General for Forest Protection and Nature Conservation of the Ministry of Forestry, The Institute of Science Indonesia (LIPI), Asian Raptor Research and Conservation Networks (ARRCN), Government, Private Sector, local NGO’s and local community on the conservation of raptors and their habitats.

Where We Work

Indonesia, Java Island and Sunda Island

Contact Details

Jl. Kebun Raya Cibodas, Cimacan, Kec. Cipanas, Kabupaten Cianjur, Jawa Barat 43253, Indonesia

Web & Social Media

Photo Credits

Usep Suparman