
SADOBO Development Center Foundation (SADOBO DC) is a foundation that operates in various social and humanitarian fields. This foundation was founded in in 2021 with head office in Manokwari, West Papua Province. Foundation established on Sunday, the twenty-seventh of December, two thousand and twenty, an online (virtual) meeting of the management for the formation of the SADOBO Foundation has been held Development Center. In this management meeting it was agreed;

  1. Use of names The institution is the SADOBO Development Center, which is abbreviated as SADOBO DC. 2. Arrangement management consisting of foundation supervisors, foundation supervisors, and administrators The foundation includes a Director/Chairman, Secretary, and Treasurer. This foundation operates on in the fields of natural resource development, human resources and development socio-economic society towards a dignified Indonesian human being.

In general, empowerment, improving the economy and health local communities in a sustainable manner until these communities can become independent.

In this case the SADOBO DC Foundation carries out educational activities such as training and workshops. Research in the field of nature conservation takes the form of data collection on natural potential (Flora and Fauna) starting from mountainous areas to oceanic areas (from Landscape to Seascape) which can be used as a reference for management and sustainable use. Establishing collaboration with various stakeholders’ policies (Stakeholders) and other Foundations to ensure the smooth running of the Foundation's activities SADOBO DC.

The SADOBO DC Foundation has many professional staff The educational background of domestic and foreign graduates includes Indonesia, Netherlands, Australia with educational levels including Diploma, Bachelor Degree (S1), Post graduate degree Masters to  Doctorates (Dr. and Ph. D).

Apart from that, he also has expertise, very diverse experiences and disciplines. Where will create a team at The SADOBO DC Foundation is getting stronger, more varied and fulfils various needs sustainable development in Papua in particular and Indonesia in general and the needs of the Foundation itself.

The work targets of the Sadobo Development Center Foundation include:

  1. Indonesian society in general and especially those in the Land of Papua together with the natural resources it has for the purpose of environmental conservation sustainable living.
  2. Central government of the Republic of Indonesia, Regional Government.
  3. Legitimate foreign governments have joint diplomatic relations Indonesian government.
  4. Donor Institutions both inside and outside the Unitary State of the Republic Indonesia.


About Us

The SADOBO DC Foundation carries out educational activities such as Research, Training and Workshops on Natural Resources and environment, Social-Economic of Community and Workshops for dissemination of those findings.

The Research in the field of nature conservation takes the form of data collection on natural potential (Flora and Fauna) starting from mountainous areas to oceanic areas (from Landscape to Seascape) which can be used as a reference for management and sustainable use. Furthermore, the work targets of the SADOBO Development Center Foundation include Indonesian society in general and especially those in the Land of Papua together with the natural resources it has for the purpose of environmental conservation sustainable living. Especially the endagered and endemic species in Papua Islands Indonesia include ASAP species for instance Emma’s Giant Rats.

Working with the Giant Rat (Emmas' Giant Rat) on Biak Island in Supiori Regency, our Foundation is making efforts to coordinate the presence of this giant rat in the field through contact persons from several friends and local communities in Supiori and Biak. We at the Foundation also conducted a literature review to obtain information regarding the relationship between these giant rats and the social and cultural values of the Byak ethnic community on Biak Island. To what extent is the relationship and importance of this giant rat animal with humans on the island of Biak and its surroundings? The relationship between hunting and utilization of giant rats is important to understand. Apart from that, aspects related to development planning are related to land use plans and land changes that become the natural habitat of this animal. We also carry out an inventory of who the stakeholders are in the study that we will conduct. From this literature review, a scenario will be created for approaches to the community and protection efforts that will be carried out with stakeholders on the island of Biak and Supiori district, Papua Province.

Furthermore, collaboration between The SADOBO DC Foundation and multi-stakeholders as a result of conservation actions both ex-situ and in-situ in Papua can save the Emma Giant Rat and other endangered and endemic animals for the survival of wild animals. The animals themselves and the diversity of animals in Tanah Papua as well as the interests of natural ecosystems and future research interests. So that people in Papua can still see these animals both in nature and in ex-situ and in-situ conservation areas

ASAP Species That We Work On

Where We Work

Papua, Indonesia [ Focus on all Papua Regencencies and Cities in the whole six Provinces in Papua ] and other areas in Indonesia teritories.

Contact Details

JL.Tugu Jepang. Gg. Melati No. 1. Amban. Manokwari. Papua Barat Kode Pos 98314

Web & Social Media