About Us

The SCENTS (Science for Endangered and Trafficked Species) Foundation has been working in Indonesia since 2015. Since 2020, the SCENTS Foundation has been registered with the Ministry of Law and Human Rights which can legally operate in Indonesia to take an active role in conserving endangered wildlife. Our key activity is to monitor unsustainable poaching and trade of wildlife, to conduct research to strengthen the judicial process to dismantle wildlife trafficking network, to increase the knowledge of community, law enforcement officers, academics, and increasing the involvement of civil society in wildlife conservation, and to disseminate information on unsustainable poaching and trade that benefit for policy changes.


ASAP Species That We Work On

What We Do

Our investigation about illegal poaching and illegal trade focus on endangered and protected species including ASAP species. So, our activities can support conservation of the ASAP species.

Where We Work


Contact Details

Gondang Legi St., RT. 01/ RW. 13, Sariharjo, Ngaglik Sub-district, Sleman District, Yogyakarta.

Web & Social Media