
Tropical Conservation is a non-profit organization and natural resource conservation association that ensures the sustainability of the ecosystem by prioritizing partnerships with multi stakeholder.

Founded in Pontianak, West Kalimantan on December 22, 2022, with the aim and objective of preserving biological natural resources and their ecosystems, developing and fostering the potential of local community to actively participate in safeguarding natural resources.

Registered in Ministry of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia as Perkumpulan Kawan Konservasi Tropis with number AHU-0013100.AH.01.07.TAHUN 2022


"The realization of sustainable natural resources and conservation management as an effort to enhance the knowledge and socio-economic welfare of the Indonesian people"


To realize this vision, the missions that will be carried out are as follows:

  1. Supporting the updating and enrichment of data on flora and fauna species through exploration, innovation, and research.
  2. Carrying out planning and management in the conservation of natural resources and ecosystems based on the principles of sustainable use
  3. Organizing outreach to the community regarding the preservation of natural resources
  4. Improve Civil society's capacity for effective conservation action to protect species and habitats
  5. Building partnerships with multiple parties as an effort to increase the protection, management, and utilization of natural resources and their ecosystems


About Us

Currently, we have carried out several data collections on herpetofauna in the area of West Kalimantan (Indonesia), some of these species include:

  • (2018)

Herpetofauna exploration at Mount Bawang,  Bengkayang Regency (West Kalimantan)

  • (2019)

Survey of the Existence of the Bornean Monitor Lizard Lanthanotus borneensis in West Kalimantan - Grant Mohammed bin Zayed Species Conservation Fund

  • (2020)

Habitat characteristics of the flat-headed frog Barbourula kalimantanensis in the Melawi sub-watershed (West Kalimantan)

  • (2023)
  1. Population Survey and Habitat Characteristics of the Sambas Stream Toad Ansonia latidisca in West Kalimantan - SAVE THE FROGS! Grant (in Collaboration AKAR Kalimantan Foundation)
  2. Population Survey and Habitat Suitability of Lanthanotus borneensis in Landak Regency (West Kalimantan) - in Collaboration with IPB University Grant from Foundation Segré

Where We Work

West Kalimantan, Indonesia

Contact Details

Jl. Gusti Situt Mahmud, Gg. Lombok I, No. 2 Pontianak Utara Regency, Pontianak, West Kalimantan, Indonesia, 78241