About Us

The Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust (WWT) is one of the world's leading conservation organisations dedicated to saving wetlands. As one of the six International Organisation Partners of the Ramsar Convention, our mission is to conserve, restore and create wetlands for the wildlife and people that rely on them; we have over 70 years’ experience of doing so around the globe, through combining policy, practice and scientific research.

ASAP Species That We Work On

What We Do

Spoon-billed sandpiper (Calidris pygmaea)

WWT are members of the East Asian – Australasian Flyway Partnership’s Spoon-billed sandpiper Task Force, where we work with partners to develop and improve headstarting  efforts at breeding grounds in Russia, and support satellite tracking efforts to identify important stop-over sites on the flyway.


Baer’s Pochard (Aythya baeri)

WWT coordinates the East Asian – Australasian Flyway Partnership’s Baer’s Pochard Task Force (https://www.eaaflyway.net/baers-pochard-task-force/), who oversee the implementation of the Baer’s Pochard Action Plan.

WWT also supports the development and implementation of projects by BPTF members, including with fund raising, project design and reporting.


Where We Work


Contact Details

WWT Slimbridge, Newgrounds Ln, Gloucester GL2 7BT, UK

Web & Social Media

Photo Credits

Zhang Ming