About Us

Our main objectives are;

  • To combat illegal wildlife trade and to protect wildlife from zero extinction
  • To conserve biodiversity in each ecosystem in country
  • To support and collaborate with universities and academician in wildlife related research and survey
  • To conduct education, awareness raising and outreach focus on wildlife conservation

Our Vision

To build sound ecosystems and conserving wildlife in Myanmar.

Our Mission

Our mission is to save wildlife and ecosystem in Myanmar through collaborating with relevant government agencies, academia, national and international organizations and local communities.




ASAP Species That We Work On

What We Do

WECAN conducts research surveys regarding illegal wildlife trade in Myanmar. Among the traded species, pangolin species, turtle and tortoises species and Helmeted hornbill species which are related to the ASAP species were included.

In addition, WECAN has conducted education awareness talks on the illegal wildlife trade to universities and high schools, aiming to love and conserve wildlife and ecosystem from a young age.

And also delivered wildlife conservation awareness talks to local communities in Myanmar

Where We Work


Contact Details

No. 963, 7(B), Than Thu Mar Road, 13 Quarter, South Okkalapa Township, 11091, Yangon, Myanmar

Web & Social Media

Photo Credits

WECAN Myanmar