About Us

Not-for-profit Non-Government Organisation with ~100 members operating across Australia, Papua New Guinea, New Zealand and the South Pacific, and international members in South East Asia and North America.

What We Do

Vision: Positive outcomes for wildlife and people

ZAA operates a number of significant programs which have an impact on all species in the care of our Member organisations including:

  • the ZAA Accreditation Program – a progressive, science-based approach to animal welfare. Using the 5 Domains Model, ZAA grants accreditation to zoos and aquariums that have clearly demonstrated their commitment to positive welfare.  This approach champions welfare from the animal’s perspective.
  • The ZAA Species Management Program (SMP) – a world-leading approach to ex situ management and breeding programs supporting conservation wherever possible.
  • The ZAA IUCN SSC Centre for Species Survival Australasia – an initiative supporting the Commonwealth Government with extinction risk assessment and development of statutory conservation planning instruments.

ZAA raises funds from members for bulk bestowment to projects around the world, including in south east Asia.

Where We Work

Australia, Papua New Guinea, New Zealand and the South Pacific, and international members in South East Asia and North America.

Contact Details

Taronga Zoo, Institute of Science and Learning, Bradley’s Head Road, Mosman 2088 NSW Australia

Web & Social Media