Conservation Actions

There is no information on the conservation measures in place for this species. If it is still extant within Lake Poso, research and monitoring of its population is highly recommended alongside education of local people to highlight the importance of this endemic species. Invasive species control may benefit this and other species within the lake.

Location Information

This species is endemic to Lake Poso in central Sulawesi, Indonesia (Parenti and Soeroto 2004, Parenti 2008). This species was not found in the lake in 2012 (Mokodongan and Yamahira 2015) and surveys in 2017 also failed to recover this species (Kobayasi and Mokodongan pers. obs. 2017). This species is therefore considered possibly extinct within the lake.

Geographic Range

Possibly Extinct


Population Information

The holotype of this species was collected in 1978 (Parenti and Soeroto 2004) and no other recordings have been made since, so this species could likely be extinct (Parenti 2011). Surveys in 2012 and 2017 did not recover this species (Mokodongan and Yamahira 2015, Kobayasi and Mokodongan pers. obs. 2017), although Larson et al. (2014) reported that local people had occasionally still found 'buntingi' or 'butini', a common name for this species and the related Adrianichthys kruyti, in the lake at low abundances in late 2012 and 2013. Due to this it is likely that there are fewer than 50 mature individuals left within the lake, but more fieldwork is required to determine if this species is still extant in Lake Poso.


This species has not been recorded in Lake Poso in many decades. The potential disappearance of this species is thought to be attributed to volcanic and tectonic activities that occurred within the region in 1983. Local people reported large numbers of lake species being washed ashore in drifts that may have been caused by gases being released within the lake (Larson 2001, Larson et al. 2014). Due to geographic location, this remains a possible threat that could occur again in the future, potentially impacting the entire global population of lake endemics. The decline of this species has also been linked to invasive species and their parasites and diseases (Parenti and Soeroto 2004). Many invasive species such as the Common Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) have been recorded in this lake. It is also thought to have been overfished by local people, and if still extant would be threatened by fishing at night using lights (M.T. Gundo pers. comm. 2017). Deforestation surrounding the lake is likely to reduce water quality due to increases in runoff causing sedimentation and potentially introducing chemical herbicides and pesticides (J. Sulfani Udin pers. comm. 2019).

IUCN Red List Account Link

Please click here to see the species' IUCN Red List Account page.