Conservation Actions

Gazetting remnant forest around Lalemega is recommended, as there is no other suitable habitat in the surrounding area for this species (G. Shea and S. Reilly pers. comm. 2019). Taxonomic and ecological research is required, and surveys are needed of the sole confirmed locality to confirm that the species survives here. Habitat restoration, including removal of grazing animals and controlling access for fuelwood extraction, is strongly advised.

Location Information

This species has only been recorded from the central mountains of West Timor, Indonesia (O'Shea et al. 2015), and is definitively known only from the type locality Lelogama. Records from Timor-Leste these authors refer to Eremiascincus spp. are in need of further taxonomic research. If this prove to be conspecific with E. antionorum, it is likely to have a wide distribution on the island (G. Shea and S. Reilly pers. comm. 2019).

Geographic Range



Population Information

This species has not been found in recent surveys of West Timor, so its population status is presently unknown. Eleven specimens were found at the Lelogama locality when this species was described.


This species may be affected by lowland habitat clearance, as although it appears not to be reliant on natural habitat it is likely to require somewhat cool, shaded areas and may be unable to persist in unshaded areas (S. Reilly pers. comm. 2019). Much of West Timor is no longer suitable, but it may persist at higher elevations or in small, scarce pockets of good forest (S. Reilly pers. comm. 2019). Timber extraction for building and fuelwood, pastoral grazing, and fires set for shifting agriculture are the major drivers of habitat loss, and forest will not regenerate on this island's poor soil. The type locality is an isolated forest fragment, and Global Forest Watch data indicates that tree cover loss is ongoing. Even within the remaining forest in nearby areas, ground debris is removed in its entirety for fuelwood, which may eliminate important microhabitat structure for this lizard (S. Reilly pers. comm. 2019). While the type locality has not been revisited, it has not been found in nearby areas.

IUCN Red List Account Link

Please click here to see the species' IUCN Red List Account page.