Conservation Actions

The known locality is not protected and its proximity to the city makes protection unlikely, but surveys of surrounding areas are ongoing to determine whether the species is at least somewhat more widespread than presently known (D.T. Iskandar pers. comm. 2019). The feasibility of translocation to areas of the valley within the nearby Kerinci National Park should be investigated, if it is found not to occur here naturally (D.T. Iskandar pers. comm. 2019).

Location Information

This species appears to be endemic to West Sumatra, where it has been found along the banks of the Tarusan River near Gua Baba (Iskandar et al. 2017). It is expected to be restricted to this valley (D.T. Iskandar pers. comm. 2019). General surveys in surrounding areas have so far failed to record it (D.T. Iskandar pers. comm. 2019).

Geographic Range



Population Information

This species is known only from two specimens collected in 2007 (Iskandar et al. 2017).


This area is very close to a cement factory which supplies the majority of cement for the entirety of Sumatra, and limestone mining is ongoing and extensive within the valley where this gecko occurs. This activity has been ongoing for more than 50 years, and although limestone habitat remains this activity is continuing to destroying both the rocky areas and the surrounding forest on which this species appears to depend (D.T. Iskandar pers. comm. 2019). Particulate air pollution may degrade habitat by destroying crevices used as shelter or oviposition sites (A.A.T. Amarasinghe pers. comm. 2019). Future development may extend into the valley given its proximity to the city of Padang.

IUCN Red List Account Link

Please click here to see the species' IUCN Red List Account page.