Conservation Actions

More information on the distribution, biology, population size and trends, and the current and potential threats to this species is needed. Specifically, targeted surveys in potentially suitable habitat surrounding the type locality are needed to confirm the presence or absence of this species (H.H. Ng pers. comm. 2019).

Location Information

This species was historically known from either the Ciliwung or Cisadane river drainages (or possibly both) in western Java (Ng and Lim 2000). However, this species is known only from its type locality in Bogor, and despite extensive sampling in the area where it historically occurred (Hadiaty 2011), has not been encountered in over 80 years.

Potentially suitable habitat exists in adjacent areas surrounding Bogor, but it is unknown if the species is extant here. Additionally, if this species is still extant here, subpopulations are expected to be fragmented (H.H. Ng pers. comm. 2019).

Geographic Range

Possibly Extinct


Population Information

There is no information available on the population or trend of this species. It should be noted that it is only known from a single specimen collected from western Java, a region whose riverine habitats have undergone anthropogenic disturbance due to the high density of human habitation there. This species has not been encountered in subsequent ichthyological surveys in the area of the type locality for over 80 years (H.H. Ng pers. comm. 2019), and is therefore thought to be possibly extinct.


Logging, deforestation, urban development, extensive and unsustainable fishing, pollution resulting from industrial, domestic, and agricultural point and non-point sources, and agriculture occur extensively in the area surrounding Bogor (D. Lumbantobing pers. comm. 2019).

IUCN Red List Account Link

Please click here to see the species' IUCN Red List Account page.