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In our quarterly newsletter we share news of the ASAP Species work taking place across Southeast Asia. You can learn what our Partners have been working on, discover the ASAP Species, and find out about relevant funding and training opportunities.
If you are working on an ASAP Species and would like to share your recent successes and updates across the ASAP Partnership, please get in touch.
Establishing a conservation programme for the Gigante Wrinkled Ground Frog
Organisation: Project Palaka
Country: Philippines
Maintaining the wild Bali Starling population on Nusa Penida island
Organisation: Friends of National Parks Foundation
Country: Indonesia
Producing a 5-year roadmap for the conservation of Javan Blue Flycatcher in Central Java
Organisation: BISA Indonesia
Country: Indonesia
Stakeholder engagement meeting for the safe capture and handling of Large-antlered Muntjac
Organisation: Saola Foundation
Country: Lao PDR
Establishing the next steps and the roles of different ASAP Partners in conserving an important population of Malaysian Giant Turtle
Organisation: WRC Jogja
Country: Indonesia
Collaborating for Rück's Blue Flycatcher surveys and research in Sikundur, North Sumatra
Organisation: Endemic Indonesia Society
Country: Indonesia
Learning about ex situ conservation for tortoises and turtles from ASAP Partners in Vietnam and Cambodia
Organisation: PROGRES
Country: Indonesia
Addressing the threat of human – wildlife conflict to a very small and vulnerable population of Tamaraw in the lowlands of Aruyan-Malati
Organisation: D’Aboville Foundation and Demo Farm Inc
Country: Philippines
Conservation of the Critically Endangered Cameron Highland Sticky Frog (Kalophrynus yongi) in the Mount Brinchang Forest Reserve, Peninsular Malaysia
Organisation: Universiti Malaysia Terengganu
Country: Malaysia
Conservation of Critically Endangered White-rumped Vulture in Bangladesh
Organisation: Bangladesh Environment and Development Society (BEDS)
Country: Bangladesh
Improving and expanding the nest protection programme for Javan Blue Flycatcher in Central Java
Organisation: BISA Indonesia
Country: Indonesia
Development of a conservation breeding facility for the Bleeding Toad
Organisation: Indonesia Herpetofauna Foundation
Country: Indonesia
Determining the presence of Siamese Crocodile in captive stock in Lao PDR for conservation breeding and release into the wild
Organisation: Lao Conservation Trust for Wildlife
Country: Lao PDR
Creating expert indigenous Wildlife Trackers to track and trail endangered species in the Annamite Mountains of Lao PDR
Organisation: Saola Foundation
Country: Lao PDR
Ex situ conservation for Giant Asian Pond Turtle and Yellow-headed Temple Turtle in Cambodia
Organisation: Angkor Centre for Conservation of Biodiversity (ACCB)
Country: Cambodia
Strengthening conservation activities for three endemic bent-toed geckos in Vietnam
Organisation: Central Institute for Natural Resources and Environmental Studies (CRES)
Country: Vietnam
Management, government and community engagement improvements to Save Bangkaru’s ASAP Species
Organisation: Ecosystem Impact Foundation
Country: Indonesia
Survey and monitoring population of the Flores Hawk-Eagle in Mbeliling Landsacpe, East Nusa Tenggara, Flores Island
Organisation: Raptor Conservation Society
Country: Indonesia
Safeguarding the Yellow-breasted Bunting in wetland areas of Pokhara
Organisation: Third Pole Conservancy
Country: Nepal
Conservation of Myanmar Snub-nosed Monkey in Imawbum National Park
Organisation: Fauna and Flora International (FFI)
Country: Myanmar