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In our quarterly newsletter we share news of the ASAP Species work taking place across Southeast Asia. You can learn what our Partners have been working on, discover the ASAP Species, and find out about relevant funding and training opportunities.
If you are working on an ASAP Species and would like to share your recent successes and updates across the ASAP Partnership, please get in touch.
Baseline surveys and conflict mitigation for the Flores Hawk-Eagle
Organisation: Yayasan Konservasi Nusa Palapa (KONUPA)
Country: Indonesia
Conserving the Vietnamese Pond Turtle in Ea So Nature Reserve, Dak Lak Province, Vietnam
Organisation: Asian Turtle Program of Indo-Myanmar Conservation
Country: Vietnam
Surveys for the conservation of Big-headed Turtle in Lower Ing River Basin, Northern Thailand
Organisation: Living River Association
Country: Thailand
Action to conserve the Sarasins Minnow in Lake Lindu, Central Sulawesi
Organisation: Celebica Conservation Action
Country: Indonesia
Reassessment of the population and conservation status of the Mesilau Stream Toad at Mount Kinabalu, Sabah
Organisation: Institute for Tropical Biology and Conservation, Universiti Malaysia Sabah
Country: Malaysia
In search of the fighting fish Betta pardalotos
Organisation: Kelompok Pengamat Burung Spirit of South Sumatra
Country: Indonesia
Raising the awareness of local communities on the conservation importance of the Painted Terrapin in Karang Gading Langkat Timur Laut Wildlife Reserve
Organisation: Satucita Foundation
Country: Indonesia
Securing a conservation breeding programme for Bawean Deer in Indonesia
Organisation: Association for Nature and Biodiversity (ANB)
Country: Indonesia
Surveys for two poorly known fish species endemic to Tioman Island
Organisation: Shoal and Universiti Malaysia Terengganu
Country: Malaysia
Establishing a healthy and genetically viable assurance colony of the Malaysian Giant Turtle
Organisation: Wildlife Rescue Centre Jogja – Yayasan Konservasi Alam Yogyakarta
Country: Indonesia
A 'One Plan' research approach on breeding ecology to inform the recovery of the Bleeding Toad
Organisation: Bogor Agricultural University
Country: Indonesia
Pilot reintroduction of Elongated Tortoise in Cambodia
Organisation: Angkor Centre for Conservation of Biodiversity (ACCB)
Country: Cambodia
Assessing and mapping new potential White-bellied Heron habitat in Wangchhu Basin, Western Bhutan
Organisation: Royal Society for Protection of Nature (RSPN)
Country: Bhutan
Searching for Javan Blue-banded Kingfisher in Central Java
Organisation: Yayasan SwaraOwa
Country: Indonesia
Elevating the survival prospects of Southern River Terrapin in Malaysia
Organisation: Turtle Conservation Society of Malaysia
Country: Malaysia
Nurturing the community power to protect Talaud Cuscus
Organisation: PROGRES
Country: Indonesia
Protecting ASAP bird species on Tawi-Tawi Island
Organisation: Balete Conservancy
Country: Philippines
Population surveys and community outreach for Siamese Crocodile conservation in East Kalimantan
Organisation: Yayasan Kolaborasi Inklusi Konservasi (KONKLUSI)
Country: Indonesia
Conservation of Painted Terrapin in Karang Gading Langkat Timur Laut Wildlife Reserve
Organisation: Satucita Foundation
Country: Indonesia
Conservation of the Nias Hill Myna and Silvery Pigeon on Bangkaru Island
Organisation: Yayasan Ecosystem Impact / Ecosystem Impact Foundation
Country: Indonesia